Greenhorn‘s view

motion pictures - motion music

26 April 2006

gipsy flute jam

Guille from France playing gipsy style on a self made flute, others joining him drum and clap.

[click the pic to play the movie. 12 MB, plays on iPod
22MB High-Qual-Version]


20 April 2006

run, ant, run!

Some ants moving around a dried applejuice drop. colorplay, music: "das Huhnlied" by Helge Schneider.

[click the pic to play the movie. 1,5MB plays on iPod. needs Quicktime 7
click here for a nicer higher-quality version. more compatible 3MB]


03 April 2006


cat sitting on a chair, moving her tail with the music.

[click the pic to play the movie. 4,8MB iPod ready. needs Quicktime 7
click here for a higher-quality version in reddish-organe hue. 12MB]

Note the fidget attack at 0´31´´...
that happens to me too, when i take a nap and i continue to switch between dream and awake, then sometimes I give those sudden twitches.