11 February 2007
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good videoblogs:
- Milos Tomic. great.
- sexto portal
- videos.antville.org
- Fast moving Animals
- Bottomunion
- 29fragiledays
- spacetwo: patalab
- Vorspiel
- Lossy Video
- Directlanguage
- Un mouton vivant
- small-scale: videos
- Vlog Gumbo, the show
- DVblog
- Dan Winckler
- Some Dancers and Musicians
- Bogdanov: The wave
- Chasing Windmills
- Cinematicfilm - short movies
- U b u w e b
- Ehrensenf - german videoblog
- Directors Lounge tv
- Solaas.com.ar
- dreamlines-my current favorite
- stage6 - artists' videoportal! good blogs:
- Le Soap Opera de Marcelline Crane
- Konsum-kritisch
- Tinowa: Photos und Texte
- Olliwolli - alter Freund
- Olliwolli´s feed collection
- Sonnentänzerin small-scale: all of his work good photoblogs
- Lucretious
- Close-up-view
- lomokev´s flickr
- my flickr
- Nordlicht flickr gallery
- PlaceboKatz
- Andy auf der Insel
- Intuition and feeling The social internet:
- Del.icoi.us: social bockmarker
- Hospitalityclub
- Wikipedia
- Ourmedia: free&puritan host
- Freevlog: videoblog tutorial
- Pandora: suggests Music
- Telepolis: kritisches Journal
- my del.icio.us
- NewsMap: visualize topic media attention
- Dropping Knowledge
- December 2005
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